Use "it fell spang into my lap|it fall spang into my lap" in a sentence

1. My dream job just fell into my lap.

2. Sure, Ipkiss will fall right into my lap.

3. This guy even crawled into my lap.

4. May everything fall into your lap.

5. 5 May everything fall into your lap.

6. Wally dropped his head into my lap and began nuzzling my crotch.

7. His head drooped and tears fell into his lap.

8. It fell on my legs and lap through the skylight, a lovely slow silver moon.

9. The federal court tossed it into our lap.

10. When I fall asleep in my chair he always sits on my lap.

11. Ash reached one hand out across the table and spilled my brandy into my lap.

12. Come and sit on my lap.

13. It had become quite a habit with me of not being too attentive to women lest they come toppling, Bloodripe, into my cold lap

14. The baby was wriggling around on my lap.

15. You don't drop the accident in my lap.

16. You don't dump the accident in my lap.

17. 33 The lot is cast into the lap,+

18. Don't even think of dumping this in my lap.

19. As she pulled out the last tenacious staple(sentence dictionary), a cassette tape fell out into her lap.

20. Napkin in my lap, half- bites, chew with my mouth closed, no scratching.

21. Or does his quietude imply he is a crafty opportunist hoping the crown will fall into his lap?

22. I'd come home and sit by her, she'd put her head on my lap, and I'd stroke it.

23. Going into the last lap, if the order stayed as it was, then Massa would have been champion.

24. As I sat there, the china spewed forth from the open door and cascaded down the ready-made ramp into my lap.

25. She dropped a ladle filled with hot soup into his lap.

26. There's only one seat so you'll have to sit on my lap .

27. Come and sit on my lap and I'll read you a story.

28. I fell into my job quite by accident.

29. Come on, sit on my lap and I'll tell you a funny story.

30. On her lap was a bag of candy which she kept dipping into.

31. To my immense gratification, he fell into the trap.

32. Habitually, I did not entertain or even pay much attention to any man lest he came to me Bloodripe and toppling into my warm lap

33. It must have reinforced my determination to blend into my surroundings.

34. As the bell sounded to denote my last lap, I decided to hurdle the barriers.

35. It fell in every hospital it went into.

36. It doesn't come into my frame of reference. "

37. When a bunny wants to be Cuddled, they will often climb right into your lap

38. Somehow it fitted into my stealthy, secretive nature.

39. Her free hand reached down through her lap to grab a sincere handful of my crotch.

40. She took her first steps and fell right into my arms.

41. He snatched the Bible out of my hand, shook it in my face, and pushed it back into my hand.

42. A warm-up lap, unlike a victory lap, could be done by telephone.

43. My energy sky- rocketed, my weight came into balance, my acne disappeared and I've got it.

44. I went into therapy because my doctor suggested it.

45. He picked the napkin from his lap and placed it alongside his plate.

46. Well did I know, alas, that I could obtain at the snap of my fingers any adult female I chose; in fact, it had become quite a habit with me of not being too attentive to women lest they come toppling, Bloodripe, into my cold lap.

47. 19 The guy flies on planes with a lap top computer plugged into a in-flight phone.

48. Well did I know, alas, that I could obtain at the snap of my fingers any adult female I chose; in fact, it had become quite a habit with me of not being too attentive to women lest they come toppling, Bloodripe, into my cold lap

49. My seatbelt isn't Clicking into place—is it broken? 2

50. It cut right into my flesh, and I bled copiously.

51. 1 It will be my first foray into local government.

52. It was my initiation into the world of high fashion.

53. It was all coming into my laptop and cell phone.

54. I ran my head into the lamppost and hurt it.

55. Cats and dogs lap water.

56. It will end in my being conveyed into the house.

57. It must not fall into evil hands!

58. My grandmother tries to Conflate my first name with my sister’s name and morphs it into one moniker

59. “It Seemed as Though Scales Fell From My Eyes”

60. Not surprisingly, it is a comparison that the Bush people lap up with delight.

61. Never again will the land of my people fall into enemy hands.

62. Coal fell into disfavour because burning it caused pollution.

63. Something gets into my eyes.I have to rinse it out immediately.

64. At this moment they were directed straight into her lap, where her tiny hands were clenched in anguish.

65. It fell forwards and I managed to catch it on my outstretched forearm.

66. 23 It all begins to fall into place.

67. On lap two, Baker edged forward.

68. I fell into a rut of working long hours and drinking with my friends.

69. It, uh, accidentally fell into the lawn mower... and, uh... ricocheted into the window.

70. 29 I roll a joint and fall into bed with my remote control.

71. Come and sit on Grandpa's lap!

72. Once she stuffed her diaphragm into one of my neon lights, breaking it, shattering it.

73. He'd run his right hand up the back of my neck into my hair and pull it.

74. It got into my hand and it went bad, so I lopped it off at the wrist.

75. He set a new lap record.

76. I gathered the silk from my silkworms and I spun it into thread on my spinning wheel.

77. 17 It fell forwards and I managed to catch it on my outstretched forearm.

78. It states: One Lucernian after another fell into the grass.

79. I sold my father's sailboat, put it all into a savings account.

80. The station quickly fell into disrepair after it was closed.